What Is a Handheld Milk Frother?

These devices do just what their name implies - they froth milk. Typically, these devices are used in cafes or in the homes of those who choose to put particular care into the crafting of their coffee drinks.

This is because frothed milk is an important part of creating most sophisticated cafe drinks. For both lattes and cappuccinos, frothed milk can help take the drink from pedestrian to cafe quality.

These are also used to froth eggs, cream, and other ingredients for baking recipes. Occasionally, the recipes for soups and other foods will call for ingredients to be frothed. This is a more effective way of mixing a liquid substance together in order to achieve a smooth end product.

How Does a Handheld Milk Frother Work?

Most handheld milk frothers work in a similar way. They are handheld devices which can be adjusted in speed based on the type of substance you are wanting to froth. Some handheld frothers have specific settings that you can use rather than attempting to guess at the speed you will need.

When done frothing milk, one should be left with a creamy, velvety substance that is perfect to be used atop coffee drinks to create that foam effect cafes strive to perfect.

Trusted Brands and Manufacturers of Handheld Milk Frothers

Many choose to use handheld frothers to craft their drinks rather than purchase a cappuccino maker or other complicated drink maker because handheld frothers typically cost less.

Aerolatte is one of the most popular brands of handheld milk frothers. Many coffee enthusiasts choose the Aerolatte over any other milk frother because of its price and portability. The brand has been around for a while, and for good reason. The Aerolatte brand is synonymous with reliability and durability.

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