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Testing & Customers Reviews

Here are the reviews from YouTube bloggers who tested the mini oven and have found them effective and worth buying.

Chris Gilham: "I'm looking at the Russell Hobbs Express Air Fryer mini oven. Now, i'm going to open it up, unpack it all. I should give it a clean, set it up and see, if we can cook with it grill.

That's the main oven, very solidly packed into polystyrene. It's not actually that heavy. All the doors are tight. As i say, i shall get all the packing off, give it a good clean out inside, before i use it and then try out see see what i can cook with it.

So, it's time to give it a test. The instructions not very good. I didn't think could have done with a sort of glossy and different things, but, anyway, i'm going to give it a go with some potato wedges. I need to set it to airfly set, the timer there'll be a way i shall check on them while they're cooking.

All right, they're just finished. So, i turned them a bit, while they were cooking as i would have any air frying. And, seem to turned out well. Anyway, come off the bottom fairly easily, there's no real sticking or anything. And that seems that would be easy enough to wash foreign."

Jamie Millard: "Some of the positives about the Russell Hobbs mini kitchen: you get two hot plates or filling sizes, and varying power, which gives you great versatility on what you want to cook. Then, the oven/grill, if you're defrosting simply warming grilling or using them, this little mini kitchen can do the whole law without taking up too much additional space compared to a conventional microwave. For me, it's a great additional device in your kitchen, giving you extra capacity more shelves and more versatility. It may a great little mini main device, just bear in mind you can only use one of the hot plate or the oven at any one time.

I love the black design. I think there's very modern. I think is very eye-catching and it already pre to place and my kitchen."

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