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Products with 5-star rating


Product5 Stars Votes
Bosch Professional 18V System GLI 18V-300906(12.3%)
Emergency Wind Up Radio Solar Crank493(6.7%)

Testing & Customers Reviews

Here are the reviews from YouTube bloggers who tested the wind up torch and have found them effective and worth buying. "This company sent me this light for review and I'll tell you what it's an inexpensive light. It's 10 bucks on Amazon and I wasn't expecting much. But it's a pretty solid light. And, I thought, it would be larger than it is the other crank lights, that I saw years ago, when these things first came out. And this has a crank and it's also solar-powered. They were larger and very plasticky and very cheap feeling. Now this is plastic. But it's pretty solid feeling and when you crank it it feels pretty good.

I'll think it's a pretty well made the switch on the top. Maybe I would have preferred like a more rubberized switch. It's a sliding switch as opposed to one, that you just kind of push in. So, you slide it back and forth to turn it on and off and I've tested the light running for about 15 minutes. So, I don't know how long the runtime is after a few cranks. On that crank it also, of course, has the solar panel. So, I haven't really tested and how well the solar panel charges it up, but it's very easy to just crank it a few times.

So, if you want a flashlight in your glove box or handy, that you don't don't worry about batteries and that it's just ready to go, this, might be, a good inexpensive option. Most of my EDC lights, of course, have batteries in them and I go that route, but some people don't want to fool with batteries. So, this might be an interesting option."

Matthew Tucker: "This is my review on Bosch Professional GLI 18 volt/2200 heavy duty area light from Bosch.

It's very good, it's got a bracket. You can put on the trace brush stand or anybody else's who works on it. I find it's very good.

This is battery, also in this is where the battery goes in the battery compartment at the back. Battery compartment at the back. It works really well. I'm glad.

It's been tremendous working in attic spaces, anywhere you need light, because everybody needs to work with lights. Because, you know, even if you dark dark nights and early mornings or even if you've got to turn the power off, you need like to see what you're doing.

I highly recommend this light, guys. I think it's relatively priced for everybody, it's not too expensive. I find it's a really good setup and it's really good."

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