Created and manufactured in Ireland, the BionicGym electronic device has multiple applications. Those who want to slim thighs without building muscle or have injuries and some other health issues will find it extremely helpful. This might surprise you, but the BionicGym can even aid in alleviating depression and anxiety because of its invigorating effect.

People say the device makes them feel energized, especially when used at high intensities. And of course, runners are also among those who benefit from the BionicGym as it can be used as part of rehabilitation. That is why we also recommend using this electric muscle stimulation device to strengthen legs.

How BionicGym Works: Сalorie Burning. How to Slim Thighs Without Building Muscle

In fact, the idea was drawn from the human body's nature. When it is cold, our bodies start to shiver. Do you know why? The shivering reflex is a defense mechanism that helps us survive in extremely cold conditions. According to Ira Jacobs from the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Canada, this happens because a large number of muscle groups are involved in shivering. Consequently, the person's metabolic rate increases 4 to 5 times so that he or she could get warmer.

Similarly, the BionicGym produces impulses, stimulating the motor-neurons located in the leg area to contract continually. In order to increase a heart rate — and, as a result, calorie burn — a sufficient number of muscles should actively contract at an optimal rate. And this is what the BionicGym electric muscle stimulator can do.

That said, the treatment does not actually feel like shivering. Rather, it feels as if you were running. But the most fascinating part about this product is that it allows you to exercise while working at the computer, doing your housework, or just watching TV.

The product includes a pair of wraps, a control unit, eight gel pads, a charger, extensions, and the iOS or Android app. You will need to put the wraps on each leg, with the electrodes connected to the control unit. The latter will send electrical stimulation currents, targeting the largest muscles and thus increasing your heart rate more than other technologies of this type can do. The intensity of stimulation can be controlled via an app downloaded on your smartphone.

The BionicGym is available in two options. The standard BionicGym is intended for moderate levels of exercise. Equivalent to jogging, it is recommended for weight loss and energizing.

The BionicGym Pro + HIIT is created for athletes and those who are looking for more intense exercise. In addition to the standard workout programs offered by the first option, this product comes with a wider range of workout programs, including more intense ones. With this device, you can use the High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a much-vaunted exercise strategy that alternates short periods of intense workouts with lower-intensity recovery periods.

How BionicGym Was Created: Explaining the Technology Behind

This wonderful device was created by Dr. Louis Crowe, an Irish Medical Doctor who has become one of the world’s leading experts in the field of neuromuscular stimulation. In cooperation with a number of universities and medical technology organizations in Europe, he has conducted multiple studies on this subject. It is noteworthy that the European Space Agency was involved in his research as well.

Nevertheless, it was not a university laboratory where the idea was born. This happened 20 years ago when Dr. Louis Crowe was swimming in the Irish sea. The water was terribly cold and once he got out of it, he started to shiver. While shivering itself was not actually a big surprise, Dr. Louis Crowe discovered an interesting fact then.

What drew his attention was that the teeth were chattering at the same rate as the legs were shaking. He came to the conclusion that those muscle contractions were in sync with each other. In other words, it was the rhythm that made shivering different from other muscle contractions. And that practical matter of his discovery was that the imitation of shivering can become an easy yet efficient way to burn calories and drop extra pounds.

That is how he started his research, the results of which have been subsequently supported by multiple studies. Up to date, the BionicGym has raised around $4 million through Indiegogo and has proved to be a promising technology.

Is BionicGym Effective? Scientific studies and evidences

If you are looking for ways to slim thighs and burn calories, this leg muscle stimulator will help you achieve your goal. The laboratory tests run by the manufacturer have shown that a person can burn over 500 calories per hour. These results are similar to those obtained while riding a bicycle at a fast rate. The BionicGym has undergone testing on both sides of the Atlantic. In Europe, it was tested in zero-gravity with the European Space Agency, while in the USA, the product was cleared by the FDA.

Remarkably, a number of independent experts have already endorsed this product. Dr. David Broom, Ph.D. from Sheffield Hallam University has provided scientific evidence supporting the claims made by the BionicGym inventor. He says that there is evidence showing that the device is able to induce enough muscle activity to heighten a heart rate. Dr. Broom notes that when using the BionicGym at a low intensity level, you can work at the computer or watch TV. By increasing intensity, you will find it harder to do because you will be sweating more and won’t be able to focus on your work.

However, not everyone can take advantage of this electric muscle stimulator. There are some medical precautions and if you have some health issues, be sure to consult your doctor first before buying the unit. In particular, elderly and overweight people should not use the BionicGym without a doctor’s approval.

Сan the BionicGym build leg muscle? No, it cannot. Electrical muscle stimulation is not a muscle-building tool because the stimulus it provides is too weak for muscle growth. There is no external load or range of motion, which are the necessary conditions for muscle development.

Where to buy: BionicGym official website

However, there are EMS devices, which are used by athletes and bodybuilders in training and muscle rehabilitation. It does not build muscles either but is very helpful in aiding muscle recovery. To learn more about all types of electrical muscle stimulators, check out our guide on the Best Electric Muscle Stimulators.


BionicGym Reviews

No wonder that the product has become increasingly popular with customers. Let’s take a brief look at what users say.

JustTuoyo was one of the first to use the BionicGym. In a video review, JustTuoyo says that he spends a lot of time in front of the computer and that is why he decided to test the device. Watch this video to learn how to use the BionicGym correctly and how your legs will “shiver” in the wraps.

After the first week of using the BionicGym, Jeremy has done it at the 40th setting for an hour. Unlike Jeremy who has tried HIIT Mode, his wife used only basic settings. “I have to say, even at my low intensity, it is changing my mood,” she says. “I feel better afterward, I am excited to do that in the first place. And at night, Jeremy and I are both noticing that we are sleeping better”.

Steve Harper is a director at Well Professor and an osteopath who has experience with musculoskeletal issues. The BionicGym has been tested from both an academic point of view and a user’s point of view.

“I have been using the BionicGym for a number of weeks now and I love this product. I really enjoy using this product. It is fantastic,” he says. One of the reasons he mentions is that he has severe knee problems and has had several surgeries. Steve describes the BionicGym leg muscle stimulator as a good alternative to a cardiovascular workout “but without pounding the life out of my joints.”

However, there are some issues with this product. First, you need to take time to set it up properly, it is not a sort of plug-and-play product. And secondly, gel electrodes can leave some sticky residue on your leg. But when you get this sort of stickiness, it actually means that the device is working. It does exactly what you want it to do.

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