What is the best phone for the elderly? Elderly people have different needs and this also applies to phones. These devices should not be fragile as an older user is more likely to drop them or damage in any other way. Secondly, phones for the elderly should be suitable for people with hearing issues and sight difficulties. Such a phone comes with easy-to-press buttons and an illuminated screen. Also, these devices allow for adjusting the volume louder than standard phones do. When shopping for a phone for the elderly, consider models that have an emergency button in plain sight to make sure that your elderly loved ones will always be safe.

We recommend you Future Call FC-1007 Picture Care Phone with a red 911 emergency key. What makes this product particularly appealing to elderly people is that you can insert photos of your family members and friends on each button. Very convenient, isn’t it?

If you want to buy a cell phone, try Snapfon ezTWO designed specifically for seniors. It is adapted to people with hearing loss issues and has large-sized buttons and a huge SOS button on the rear side of the phone. The menu is easy to navigate while the keypad has a speaking feature, which can be disabled if needed.

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