Hi, fans of comfortable playing on a computer or a game console! Today, I’m going to tell you about my experience with GameSir VX2 and why my wife regretted me not being a professional gamer.

Rating: 5

Games tested: Counter-Strike, World of Warplanes

Main features: The hand feels comfortable and doesn’t experience extra tension. The keypad responds quickly to key pressing, without lags and delays in signal transmission.

Package & Configuration

The GameSir has once again delighted me with its package. An excellent package design. And the string that needs to be pulled to open the box brings the device to a higher level. It is nice when a manufacturer pays attention to such details. They make you fall in love with the product from the very first minutes.

In the box, all items are placed compactly. In the foreground, of course, there is the main item — a keypad. A mouse and various adapters of all kinds are located beneath it. This wonder device can be connected to desktop computers, laptops, and game consoles of all sorts: PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and many more.

Installation and the First Impression

Once again, the manufacturer appeases my inner lazy person. Reading instructions is not my thing at all. Although I connected the device only to a laptop, I am sure that this can be done the same way with a game console as well. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

It so happened that at the moment when I was happily fiddling around my laptop, my wife was sitting nearby. And once the keypad and mouse backlighting was on, she said, “What’s a pity that you are not a gamer!” My wife is very fond of all non-standard, beautiful things. While any other keypad could hardly make a big impression on her, the GameSir did!

Indeed, the mouse and keypad backlighting is just gorgeous. It is so eye-catching, appealing, and inspires you to use the device that you simply can't stay away.


When I was offered to get a keypad for testing, I didn’t fully understand what I needed it for at all. I don’t have a console and, therefore, the endless debate about what is better — a mouse or a joystick is not my cup of tea. And yet, I decided to give it a try, and rightly so.

Pay attention to the positioning of hands on the laptop keyboard and on the keypad. I always wondered why my hand was hurting every time after an hour-long gaming session. So here is the answer. There is little space and the hand is clamped. But this one is just amazing.

The hand feels comfortable, without extra tension. Let alone the advantage of not missing the needed keys. Nor do you have to turn off Wi-Fi on your laptop. In addition to nice backlighting, the mouse moves smoothly, something that has pleased me, too. The buttons click perfectly.

Gaming with GameSir

Bingo! I can finally play for more than an hour. First, my wife is happy that I am a gamer. Secondly, my hand does not really get tired. Game control and maneuvers have become much easier. Clear keystrokes without failures.

The keypad quickly responds to key pressing, without lags and delays in signal transmission. The connection isn't interrupted. The laptop does not lose the mouse. In short, using this device is nothing but delights and perks. But! I wouldn't be me if I did not find at least one drawback.

The drawback that I have found is actually insignificant. Perhaps, it depends on my laptop’s settings. The thing is that when I put the laptop into sleep mode, the mouse goes out, but not the keypad. Nevertheless, it isn’t that bad. All you need to do is just turn it off.


Overall, I can give 5+ stars to the GameSir company this time. And I am pondering about purchasing a console. After all, I am the person who believes that a mouse is more convenient than a joystick. And now, I have an assistant for that.

GameSir VX2: Check the current price

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Tips and advices on YouTube

GameSir VX2 AimSwitch Gaming Keyboard and Mouse for PS4 / XBOX /Switch Unboxing and Setup

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